This year Art Farm is opening up to adults (the quick-sketch painting at right is my own recent effort). We will be offering ongoing classes, workshops and seminars.
If you are interested in wildlife or animal art, please let me know as I am working on having Joe Weatherly (www.joeweatherly.net) come to Art Farm for a 2-Day paint sketch seminar this fall. We will use resident Art Farm animals as models.
Will Weston (www.westonseminars.com) is coming to Art Farm Saturday & Sunday, Nov. 21 & 22, to teach a 2-day, 18-hour seminar on Composition for Artists. The fee is $249. Space is limited to 20, so if you are interested contact me soon at director@carlsbadartfarm.com. A $100 deposit secures your reservation.
This workshop is appropriate for intermediate to advanced students (or the ambitious beginning student!). Will notes that many artists - even very experienced artists - have difficulty with composition. Whether you're a fine artist, landscape painter, composing for animation or film, graphic novels, or children's books, this seminar is designed to help you work through those problems and come away with information and hand-out materials that will enable you to continue leaning after the workshop.
The seminar addresses traditional issues faced when composing environmental drawings by combining lectures, presentations, and demonstrations with selected exercises and hands-on drawing. Using landscape composition as a starting point, students learn to compose pictures with applications to studio art and illustration. Examples are presented and explained in detail. Students do short exercises to direct the eye, create depth and establish mood and time of day. Students then draw a landscape composition under the direction of the instructor. Handouts provided during the seminar enable students to continue learning after the workshop.
About the Instructor: Will is a professor at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, where he teaches composition, film composition, digital painting, life drawing, and visual development for animation and film. He is also the curriculum advisor for Art Center's Entertainment Program. Professionally, Will has worked for many studios, including Disney Feature and Television Animation, Nickelodeon, Warner Bros., and Sony Pictures. He also has many years experience working in illustration and advertising.
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