It's been a busy year at Art Farm, and it's hard to believe that we've allowed so much time to pass without posting. But now we're ready to rock and roll. Art Farm is gearing up for our Summer Camp 2011 Season. The big news this summer is we are going full day. Weekly camp are Monday through Friday, 9:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. We have an early drop-off and late pick-up option for busy families.
We are also welcoming some new animal models this summer: three baby Nigerian Dwarf Goats and a new crop of spring chicks. One goat, a bottle-baby named Zeus, is already here and causing all sorts of mischief (pictures of Zeus coming soon!). To enroll in camp, visit our website at www.CarlsbadArtFarm.com. Become a fan at our Carlsbad Art Farm Facebook page to receive special offers, discounts, invites to our locally famous Art Farm BBQ, open houses, and whatever other fun stuff we dream up.
Also, consider becoming a fan of this blog. We keep it youth friendly and it's our way of sharing with you the goings on with our Art Farm critters and introducing young students to great website pages about art and natural science.
We hope to see you all soon at Art Farm.
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