Our Art Farm alpacas, Harry Potter and Mr.
Weasley, are now sporting their summer haircuts, courtesy of Jaimie Rios, our delightful shearer from
Calexico. Jaimie, who shears sheep for a living, is kind enough to come all the way to Carlsbad just for this annual event. Harry positively detests getting his hair cut and created quite the fuss. To answer a commonly asked question, yes, Alpacas do spit. But generally they do not spit at people unless provoked. Even then it's usually more of a sputtering, as if the animal has allergies and is sneezing. Harry felt that being hogtied for a haircut was sufficient provocation for much more voracious spitting and so he spit at yours truly with great vigor several times.
But generally, Harry much prefers to give out kisses. Here he is greeting a local girl scout who attended a
campout at Art Farm this past weekend. The girls had fun walking the alpacas around Art Farm on leads. The girls were also thrilled with the arrival of 45 day-old baby chicks on Saturday (more on that in the next post!) This troop of scouts also had their bridging ceremony to become
cadet scouts on our wood bridge, traversing our creek.
Enrollments continue for Summer Camp and Saturday morning art classes at Art Farm. For more information and forms, visit us at
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