Here we feature our very own Hilda - protectress of all children and fuzzy green tennis balls - solving a crime scene in our drive way! (click image for larger view).
Hilda thinks the chickens may have done it; or perhaps the alpacas. Our mule, Picasso, could account for his whereabouts during the time-frame when the dastardly deed took place (he was guarding his hay rations from Kandinski, the goat).
Actually, this is a chalk outline of Hilda herself made while she was sleeping. The real crime is she was caught napping while she was on sentry duty. She'll be entering a flea bargain (feel free to groan at puns) with the mitigating circumstance that it was pretty darn hot that day and a nap was in order. As I'm the judge and jury on such matters - and a strong supporters of naps for everyone - Hilda's case was dismissed as a travesty of justice against all nappers.
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