Like the rest of you in San Diego County we are getting drenched in rain. But rain or shine, animals want their breakfast. So here, for your viewing pleasure, are some of our critters: Picasso the miniature mule, Kandinsky the rescue goat, Harry Potter and Mr. Weasely the alpacas, and a variety of chickens.
This machinery you see to the right is an antique spray rig. In the animal pen is what's left of an 1800s buckboard. People who have been to Art Farm wonder how we get in and out during storms as the dirt country access road becomes flooded by our normally sleepy little creek (during storms, it quicky morphs into the Rio Grande). We have an alternate access road closed to the public that we use when it gets too wet to come in on Sunny Creek Road.
Enjoy the clip! For information about our new Saturday drawing and painting classes for students in grades 2 through 8, contact us at director@carlsbadartfarm.com. Stay dry and enjoy the storm.